Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Just got an offer to do an MSc. in Operational Research (a.k.a. management science with concentration on applied maths) at the London School of Economics.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Children Books to Donate

My family minus my brother are in major spring cleaning mode right now. Tonnes of belongings have to be moved temporarily to allow some kind of experimental, partial DIY renovation to be performed on the house. Yes, we are extending the height of the house by 200 ft by building a minaret.

There are painfully so many things to move - from books to glasswares that were my parents wedding gifts 25 years ago. Among the books is this little paperback titled "Your Child and Sex". Not sure which of my parents bought it and had the balls to shelve it among Enid Blyton's books.

Anyway, there are tonnes of children books including an encylopedia set that I want to get rid of. Thinking of donating them to some primary school libraries. I wonder if you had done this before. I would appreciate any sharing of experiences.


Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am back home and I felt like I had just pressed a reset button. The past 5 years passed like a flash. I do enjoy it here currently with the little stress. Alternatively, I could have been in NY worrying whether the software release that I made would generate phone calls from London and India in the wee hours.

Attended mass on New Year's Eve. I felt like I had just left secondary school yesterday with the memories suddenly as vivid as last night's dream.