Monday, April 10, 2006

About Being Sensitive

I hate being sensitive as in being overwhelmed by the fear of offending others. I think I am a sensitive person that tries to please everyone that I encounter. You guys might agree. For example, this evening, I was apologizing to my lab partner for not being able to work tonight because I can't concentrate in the clusters until he said "hey, no. don't take it personally. there are times that we just can't work and should take a break" that's what i love about americans. they are frank people and don't take things personally. awkwardly, i observe this from The West Wing, where friends and colleagues argue at the top of the voices in defending their opinions and their actions without jeopardizing their relationships. That's why at times I wish I can spend some time in a military college where I'll be drilled by the roughest of all men without taking their words at a personal level. That's why I should take up rugby as well.

I think a recipe to success is shrug off what others think of you and bulldoze your way through. Shrugging off criticisms, scoldings or comments doesn't mean keeping quiet and backstab those people who told you off in your blog but simply just let them off your mind.

This is one thing I want to be prepared for during the summer internship.


Anonymous said...

I agreed with this. I always have this problem with Asians but not with Americans. Like what you told me last time, I should not care about those small fraction of people, if the majority think I am right, I am right!!

Anonymous said...

anyway, has anyone told you off in your blog?? Thought that your blog is private?