Wednesday, September 28, 2005

West Wing

Struggling with time management especially in trying to get a balance between networks and the rest of the classes I am taking. Technical Opportunities Conference is this Thursday and will be looking forward for some, if lucky, interviews.

West Wing is the best ever TV show ever made. In my opinion, the actors and actresses in that show are all top notched. Past Emmy's have been grabbed by each of the main characters except for Martin Sheen, the President. Season 7 premiered Sunday evening but I only managed to watch it after downloading a copy. Season 6 left us at the Democratic National Convention when Congressman Matt Santos was nominated as the Democratic Presidentatial candidate. Running mate is good old Leo McGarry whom I think is the most respected among all the superb characters.

Throughout that episode, it seems McGarry was not in good terms with Santos. Then, Josh Lyman, who now heads Santos' campaign decided not to hire Donna Moss because of she did when she was on the other camp in the Democratic presidential race. However, the ending was quite touching when McGarry sat down with Santos and they reconciled and began coming up with strategies. It was a sight to be seen.

I think West Wing is a pro Democrat television series. FYI, the producer John Wells is a CMU alumna. Huhu..


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