Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Orgasmic. Checkpoint 2 for Networks passed. Average 6 hours every evening with Eujern for the past week seems to start bearing fruit. We're now aiming for the competition stage.

I met my advisor this afternoon who happens to be my embedded systems professor as well. Was a motivating 20 mins meeting. She said if I am interested in distributed systems or computer systems in general, I should not leave CMU without taking the hard core Operating Systems design class. She praised me for taking Networks which helps to build a background in distributed systems. Registered for courses today but unfortunately on waiting lists for the graduate courses that I intend to take.

Plan for the incoming Spring semester:
ECE courses:

  • 18-549 Distributed Embedded Systems (my capstone design for my ECE degree)
  • 18-396 Signals and Systems (need to know some signal stuff)
  • 15-498 Special Topics: Distributed System (not the real hard core D.S. class but at least it should be a good intro for me)

  • 21-270 Intro to Math Finance (I kinda like taking math courses. so one per sem suffices)
  • Theories on Foreign Policy (on waitlist but high chances in getting in. Ms. Skinner is one of nation's top foreign policy expert who has been appointed by President Bush to the National Security Education Board)