Monday, February 9, 2004

quite a weird slepeing pattern i've now developed. i couldn't shut my eyes till 9am and in 3 hours, i was awake for mass. room still in a mess with CDs lying and papers lying around.

still pondering whether i should stay for summer II or not. kenneth gave a strong argument that we should do the pre-reqs when we can do them in summer. so, there's a strong possibility that we'll be back only for 3 weeks in august. need to e-mail Kurt Larsen on the exact schedule.

tasneem has quite on a site in xanga on her poems. gave me a surprise on how well she can write. simple ones but meaningful i must say. i told her she should turn into songs. i'll be more than glad to bang some keys for her in an open mic.

been working on my java assigment for the past 6 hours. a rather hard one when i'm restricted from using arrays. thank God Kenneth's around since he had taken 15-100 last semester. i'm off to bed. calling it a day and a weekend. the cycle begins again.