Saturday, June 26, 2004

Watched Count of Monte Cristo for the second time. This time with the ability to pause and repeat scenes that seem unclear. Yes, I have trouble listening to movie dialogues sometimes.

Imprison me in that French prison I'll be insane in a day. In two days, I'll be dead unless some neighbouring fellow prisoner visits me and teaches me something. One line in that movie that I find rather blasphemeous - "God is everywhere....even in a kiss" said Mercedes.

Ah, I wish I can one day name my daughter "Mercedes" but with the name taken by a car manufacturer, she'll be endlessly teased by her guy friends in school.

I wonder whether Stephen King gets his inspiration for Shawshank Redemption from Count of Monte Cristo. There's this scene in the movie where the prisoners were sorting the books for their library when one of them stumbled upon CoMC and pronounced "Dumas" as "dumbass".