Tuesday, May 4, 2004

The Chem E final I just had was so freaking tough. I guess all 12-unit finals are tough. This evening's one had me leave out quite a number of stuff. I'm unsure on some questions that I did. Mole balance, mass balance, etc. Even the first question took me a while to tackle. The good thing was Prof. Powers was very nice to us. Since yesterday or the day before was Cinco De Mayo, the Mexican celebration of its Mexico's independence during the batlle of Puebla, he told us that this time's 10% extra points will be on that holiday as a theme. I printed out a Mexican flag and glued it on my shirt. It was okay but the cracking sound made by the paper is slightly annoying. Prof. Powers brought in Mexican food and drinks for our exam "half-time". A coursemate brought in an array of homemade Tortilla dips. But sorry to say that the food didn't ease the trouble that we went through, or at least what I went through. I nearly panicked at one moment. I did thought of hanging myself if I do badly in this exam. Yeah, I actually did.

Anyway, with my performance in the first two hour-exams, all I hope I'll get an A for this course. God bless, Professor Powers for his kindness and generosity to us, his students, throughout the entire duration of this intro course. Thanks Professor!