Sunday, April 11, 2004

finally, i'm done getting my mergeSort to work... i couldnt come up with my code so i sought help from my textbook. to understand it was troublesome enough. there was one example that i googled which was easier to understand.

i brought 7 of my friends for Easter Vigil mass today. I've never been to any Mass that as traditional and grand as tonights. The choir was accompanied by the Carnegie Brass Ensemble who plays only during important masses. The last one I attended was for the farewell mass of the auxillary bishop. I could feel the floor vibrating by tonight's brass performance. The civility of the congregration here impress me. As we entered the Cathedral after the Service of the Light, not even a single person talked or even whispered. We took the middle row so we could fairly see the Bishop and his priests on the sanctuary. As soon as we entered, the lead cantor sung the Easter Proclamation One of the best hymns in Christendom I must say. A chant it is but the lyrics is a grand exultation of God's glory. "This is the night when first you saved our fathers; you freed the people of Israel from their slavery and led them dry-shod through the sea.... This is the night when Christians everywhere, washed clean of sin and freed from all defilment are restored to grace and grow together in holiness..." Then there were the 7 readings after each a psalm was sung by the cantor. I didn't realized the gloria until half of the song was gone through. It was not the usual one sung by the choir. There were not many people baptised as compared to back home. Here, it was around 15 people. In Bintulu, it's 200 per year on average. My uncle, who leads the RCIA in Kuching, said it's around 400 every year. Either the population is bigger there or perhaps my uncle is really an evangelist! Tonight was the first time I saw a fixed, marble font was used for baptism. Before the final hymn was Mendel's Hallelujah sung by the choir. It was really like that version sung by the Mormon Tarbenacle Choir. I don't think any church choir in Malaysia can execute such hymn.